Vaccines, Medication & Topicals

Products 1-34 of 34
Adamsâ„¢ Ear Mite Treatment Adams, Ear, Mite, Treatment, Farnam, Central, Garden, Pet, treatment, dogs, cats, canine, feline, lanolin, aloe, vera, heal, treat, aid, effective, long, lasting, pet, supply, skin, kill, quick
Price: Login
Availability: In Stock
Farnam® Item #: 365802 -

    Animed® Blue Lotion Topical Antiseptic  AniMed, Blue Lotion, Topical, Antiseptic,  cattle, dairy cattle, dog, horse, sheep, goats, Fast drying, marker,  wound, dressings, livestock, stock, Prevent, Infections, gall lotion
    Price: Login
    Availability: Out of Stock
    AniMedâ„¢ Item #: T-00788 -

      Animed® Shed-Med
      Price: Login
      Availability: In Stock
      AniMedâ„¢ Item #: 003014 -

        Anti-Diarrhea Liquid
        Price: Login
        Availability: In Stock
        Durvet® Item #: 325295 -

          Canine Spectra® 10 Canine Spectra® 10, Durvet, Pet Supplies, dog supplies, canine vaccine, dog shots, 10-way dog shot, comprehensive canine booster, Canine Distemper, Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (CAV-2), Canine Parainfluenza, Canine Parvovirus Type 2b, Canine Coronavirus Vaccine-Leptospira Canicola-Grippotyphosa- Icterohaemorrhagiae-Pomona bacterial extract, respiratory infection, canine hepatitis (CAV-1), meets or exceeds USDA standards,  rapid immunity, do-it-yourself dog vaccination, ecconomical dog vaccine, annual dog vaccination
          Price: Login
          Availability: In Stock
          Durvet® Item #: 325608 -

            Canine Spectra® 10 PLUS LYME
            Price: Login
            Availability: Out of Stock
            Durvet® Item #: 325611 -

              Canine Spectra® 6 Canine Spectra® 6, Durvet, Pet Supplies, dog supplies, puppy supplies, puppy shots, dog shots, dog vaccination, 6 way dog shot
              Price: Login
              Availability: In Stock
              Durvet® Item #: 325605 -

                Canine Spectra® 9 Canine Spectra® 9, Durvet, Pet Supplies, dog supplies, canine vaccine, dog shots, puppy shots, 9-way dog vaccine,
                Price: Login
                Availability: Out of Stock
                Durvet® Item #: T-00776 -

                  Canine Spectra® KC3 Canine, Spectra, KC3, kennel, cough, vaccine, durvet, safe, effective, protect, medication, vet, supply, pet, dog, easy, use, intranasal, DIY
                  Price: Login
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Durvet® Item #: 325614 -

                    Durvet® Activated Charcoal Gel
                    Price: Login
                    Availability: Out of Stock
                    Durvet® Item #: T-01026 -

                      Durvet® Aspir-Flex Dog Durvet®, Aspir-Flex, Dog, gel, indicated, temporary, relief, arthritis, pain, inflammation, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, fever, reducing, analgesic, pain, reducing, properties, effective, arthritic, signs, proven, clinical, trials, Tested, safe, use, old, dogs, Precise, dosage, aspirin, most, effective, dose, Contains, the potent, OTC, drug, dealers, allowed, sell, Improvement, within, hours, mild, cases, 2, weeks, severe, Palatable, all, natural, liver, flavor, Economical, alternative, prescription, Easy, administer, oral, dial-a-dose, syringe, size, NOT, FOR, CATS
                      Price: Login
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Durvet® Item #: 325287 -

                        Durvet® Canine Health Records Durvet®, Canine, Health, Records, ACCURATE, RECORD, EACH, PETS, LIFE, SPAN, important, information, Deworming, age, date, dewormer, reference, chart, Identification, breed, physical, description, distinctive, markings, address, vaccines, Protections
                        Price: Login
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Durvet® Item #: 325993 -

                          Durvet® Canine Spectra® 5 Canine Spectra® 5, Durvet, Pet Supplies, dog supplies, puppy supplies, puppy shots, dog shots, dog vaccinations, 5 way dog shot
                          Price: Login
                          Availability: Out of Stock
                          Durvet® Item #: T-00737 -

                            Durvet® Mineral Oil Durvet® Mineral Oil, Mineral Oil, Livestock Supplies, equine supplies, Horse supplies, Pet Supplies, animal laxative
                            Price: Login
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Durvet® Item #: 325017 -

                              Durvet® No-Bite™ Ear Mite Control Durvet, No Bite, Ear, Mite, Control, Pet, Supplies, dog, cat, treatment, heal, aid, eliminates, rid, tick, relief, itch, flea, non, oily, water, based, effective, quick, fast, acting, squeeze, Pyrethrin, piperonyl, butoxide
                              Price: Login
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Durvet® Item #: 325615 -

                                Durvet® Topical Fungicide Durvet® Topical Fungicide, cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, beef, dairy, summer, itch, girth, itch, foot rot, ringworm, fungal, problems
                                Price: Login
                                Availability: Out of Stock
                                Durvet® Item #: T-00739 -

                                  Happy Jack® Ear Canker Powder Happy Jack, Ear, Canker, Powder, chronic, long, duration, recovery, two, five, days, promotes, dries, inner, external, areas, sore, moist, discharge, Cleanse, hydrogen, peroxide, application, squeeze, container, Zinc, Oxide, Iodoform, Dog, Horse, pet, treat, aid, heal, equine, canine, puppy, pony, foal, stock, livestock, supplies, happy, jack, pet, vet, effective, quick, fast
                                  Price: Login
                                  Availability: In Stock
                                  Happy Jack® Item #: 447030 -

                                    Happy Jack® Mange Medicine Happy Jack, happy, jack, Mange, Medicine, Pure, vegetable, cod, liver, oil, lanolin, treatment, soothing, relief, skin, irritation, fungi, falling, hair, itching, eczema, hot, spot, moist, feet, ears, ear, mites, pus, pimples, severe, mange, effective, against, broad, spectrum, conditions, Dog, horse, equine, canine, pet, vet, supply, supplies, safe, quick, treat, heal, aid
                                    Price: Login
                                    Availability: Out of Stock
                                    Happy Jack® Item #: T-00780 -

                                      Happy Jack® Mitex Happy, Jack, Mitex, micro, size, ear, mite, major, minor problem, dog, cat, feline, canine, intense, itch, irritation, infection, treat, Symptom, scratch, shake, head, Pyrethrin, insect, control, aid, heal, soothe, pet, vet, supply, med, topical, health, care
                                      Price: Login
                                      Availability: In Stock
                                      Happy Jack® Item #: 447072 -

                                        Happy Jack® Sardex II Happy Jack®, Sardex II, treat, sarcoptic, mange, dogs,treatment, benzl, benzoate,odorless, greaseless, non-staining, remedy, canines, rub, dry,Kills, itch, mites, relief, dog,puppy
                                        Price: Login
                                        Availability: In Stock
                                        Happy Jack® Item #: 447089 -

                                          Medicated Antibacterial and Antifungal Flush
                                          Price: Login
                                          Availability: In Stock
                                          Durvet® Item #: 325919 -

                                            Medicated Antibacterial and Antifungal Shampoo
                                            Price: Login
                                            Availability: Out of Stock
                                            Durvet® Item #: 325920 -

                                              Medicated Antibacterial and Antifungal Wipes
                                              Price: Login
                                              Availability: In Stock
                                              Durvet® Item #: 325918 -

                                                Medicated Itch Relieving Spray
                                                Price: Login
                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                Durvet® Item #: 325917 -

                                                  Naturals Remedies Ear Cleansing Drops Naturals, Remedies, Ear, Cleansing, Drops, durvet, plant, based, all, natural, 100, botanical, gentle, non, toxic, non-toxic, odor, remedy, healthy, heal, soothe, quick, effective, inflammation, aid, daily, use, clean, vet, groom, dog, cat, ferret, rabbit, small, mammal, feline, canine, earth, friendly, eco, biodegradable, pet, supplies
                                                  Price: Login
                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                  Durvet® Item #: 325915 -

                                                    Naturals Remedies Hot Spot Mist Naturals, Remedies, Hot, Spot, Mist, Durvet, hot-spot, remedy, plant, based, all, natural, 100, gentle, non, toxic, non-toxic, allergy, relief, itch, burn, flea, tick, lice, grass, fungus, aid, treat, heal, control, cool, soothe, skin, coat, healthy, supply, vet, cat, dog, feline, canine, topical, rabbit, ferret, small, mammal, animal, pet, biodegradable, eco, friendly, quick, effective
                                                    Price: Login
                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                    Durvet® Item #: 325916 -

                                                      Nutri-Vet® Aspirin Chewable Tablets for Dogs Nutri-Vet, Nutri, Vet, Nutrivet, Aspirin, Chewable, Tablet, Dogs, Canine, Pain, Medication, arthritis, hip, dysplasia, fever, inflammation, reducer, USA, sore, joints, health, care
                                                      Price: Login
                                                      Availability: Out of Stock
                                                      Manna Pro® Item #: T-00866 -

                                                        Tomlyn® Pill Masker for Dogs & Cats Tomlyn, Pill, Masker, Dog, Cat, Jackson, Galaxy, Pet, canine, feline, supply, Supplies, wrap, moist, juicy, flavor, shapeable, paste, size, shape, 50, serving, container, dry, out, Bacon, flavor, Loaded, Animal, Planet, pocket, custom, vet, supplement, vitamin, med, health, care, alternative, petsmart, chewy, capsule, admin
                                                        Price: Login
                                                        Availability: Out of Stock
                                                        Tomlyn® Item #: T-00872 -

                                                          Vetericyn Pet Wellness Center
                                                          Price: Login
                                                          Availability: Out of Stock
                                                          Vetericyn® Item #: 851037 -

                                                            VetRxâ„¢ for Dogs & Puppies VetRxâ„¢, Dogs, Puppies, Goodwinol, Products, Remedy, Pet, meds, medication, medication, medications, canine, Health, Care, puppy, 100%, natural, respiratory, ailments, colds, wheezing, sniffles, mites, ear, cankers
                                                            Price: Login
                                                            Availability: Out of Stock
                                                            Goodwinol Products Item #: 565070 -