Products 1-24 of 198
CopasureĀ® Metal Balling Gun Copasure, Metal, Balling, Gun, Bolus, cattle, durvet, livestock, stock, supplies, 006, cow, bovine
Price: Login
Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: T-00373 -

    SEA7 Marker Dye Green
    Price: Login
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 900093 -

      Canine SpectraĀ® KC3 Canine, Spectra, KC3, kennel, cough, vaccine, durvet, safe, effective, protect, medication, vet, supply, pet, dog, easy, use, intranasal, DIY
      Price: Login
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: 325614 -

        DurvetĀ® Isopropyl Alcohol 70% DurvetĀ®, ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 70%, antiseptic, surgical, scrubs, muscular, aches, pain, overexertion, fatigue
        Price: Login
        Availability: Out of Stock
        Item #: T-00291 -

          Spectra Shieldā„¢ Collar Attached Medallion Spectra Shield, Collar, Attached, Medallion, Durvet, Pet, Dog, puppy, small, medium, large, supplies, flea, tick, treatment, f&t, control, repel, quick, effective, frontline, soresto, clip, pyrethroid, kill, all, stages, larvae, egg, protect, low, toxicity, skin, hair, coat, 4, month, protection, water, proof, resistant
          Price: Login
          Availability: Out of Stock
          Item #: T-00615 -

            DurvetĀ® Naturals 2 in 1 Conditioning Shampoo DurvetĀ® Naturals 2 in 1 Conditioning Shampoo, Protein shampoo, Cream Conditioner,  Coconut, Lanol, Shea tree butter, Natural lather, cleans, conditions, moisturizes, pleasant scent. Topical, oral, Flea & Tick, oils, pets skin. Botanical, without soap or detergent, Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, Rabbits
            Price: Login
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: 325900 -

              DurvetĀ® No Pickā€™n
              Price: Login
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: 325656 -

                DurvetĀ® Screw Worm Aerosol DurvetĀ® Screw Worm Aerosol, Screw Worm, Livestock Supplies, Equine Supplies, Pest Control, Premise Spray, fly control, screw worm, ear, tick, spray, controls, pests, Multi-purpose, insecticide, spray, stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, face flies, house flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, ticks, gnats, wounds, kill, flies, maggots, Beef, dairy, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses, animal, quarters, milk rooms, poultry
                Price: Login
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: 325054 -

                  DurvetĀ® GoatCare 2X DurvetĀ®, GoatCare, 2X, Livestock, goat, wormer, Contains, RumatelĀ®, Morantel, tartrate, FDA, Approved, all, classes, removal, control, mature, gastrointestinal, nematode, infections, Haemonchus, contortus, Ostertagia, Teladorsagia, circumcinta, and Trichostrongylus, axei, Economical, double, strength, formula, 4, oz, per, 50, lb, body weight, No, milk, withdrawal, 30, day, slaughter, withdrawal, Convenient, single, dose, treatment, during, production, cycle, strategically, deworm, entire, herd, Palatable, stable, meal, form, safe, safety, trials, at twenty, times, recommended, level, produced, no, adverse, reactions, Backed, years, safe, reproductive, performance, Conditions, constant, worm, exposure, retreatment, within, 2, 4, weeks, 4, oz
                  Price: Login
                  Availability: Out of Stock
                  Item #: T-00690 -

                    Canine SpectraĀ® 10 Canine SpectraĀ® 10, Durvet, Pet Supplies, dog supplies, canine vaccine, dog shots, 10-way dog shot, comprehensive canine booster, Canine Distemper, Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (CAV-2), Canine Parainfluenza, Canine Parvovirus Type 2b, Canine Coronavirus Vaccine-Leptospira Canicola-Grippotyphosa- Icterohaemorrhagiae-Pomona bacterial extract, respiratory infection, canine hepatitis (CAV-1), meets or exceeds USDA standards,  rapid immunity, do-it-yourself dog vaccination, ecconomical dog vaccine, annual dog vaccination
                    Price: Login
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: 325608 -

                      DurvetĀ® Popper Mints DurvetĀ®, Popper, Mints, Aloe, Advantage, horse, treats, peppermint
                      Price: Login
                      Availability: Out of Stock
                      Item #: T-00155 -

                        DurvetĀ® TURN OUTĀ® Sweat & Waterproof Formula DurvetĀ® TURN OUTĀ®, Sweat, Waterproof, Formula, Durvet, Pet, Horse, Equine, home, garden, supplies, fly, spray, flea
                        Price: Login
                        Availability: Out of Stock
                        Item #: T-00035 -

                          DurvetĀ® Ivermectin Pour On Ivermectin Pour On,Durvet, CATTLE supplies, livestock supplies, cattle wormer, fly treatment, cattle pour on
                          Price: Login
                          Availability: Out of Stock
                          Item #: T-00456 -

                            DurvetĀ® Controlled Iodine Spray DurvetĀ®, Controlled, Iodine, Spray, topical, antiseptic, horses, cattle, swine, sheep, surgical, procedures, castrating, docking, application, naval, newborn, animals, use, aid, treatment, minor, cuts, bruises, abrasions, Effective, provides, rapid, killing, bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, Convenient, easy-to-use, adjustable, nozzle, delivers, stream, spray, Economical, costs, only, half, aerosols, Safety, afforded, non-irritating, property, antiseptic
                            Price: Login
                            Availability: Out of Stock
                            Item #: T-00771 -

                              DurvetĀ® Naturals Tar & Aloe Shampoo DurvetĀ® Naturals Tar & Aloe Shampoo,  Medicated, shampoo, solubilized, coal, tar, natural, aloe vera, soothes, itchy, inflamed, skin, hot spots, seborrhea, non-specific dermatitis, Compatible, topical, oral, flea & tick, Deep cleansing, conditioning, Rich, natural, lather, cleans, conditions, moisturizes, coat, Fresh, pleasant, scent, Nonstripping, protects, natural, moisturizing, oils, pet, skin, Nontoxic, botanical, formulated soap, detergent, Healthful, promotes, healthy, itch-free, soft, silky sheen, Dogs
                              Price: Login
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Item #: 325906 -

                                Electro Gel Electro Gel, Durvet, Livestock Health Care, livestock medication, oral electrolyte supplement, prevent dehydration, restore the digestive system, sheep, goats, pigs, Maltodextrin, L-Glutamine, diarrhea, restore proper balance in livestock gut,
                                Price: Login
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Item #: 325114 -

                                  NursemateĀ® ASAP for Kids NursemateĀ®, ASAP, Kids, goat, baby, high, quality, colostrum, supplement, plus, effective, appetite, stimulator, containing, special, proteins, vitamins, lactic, acid-producing, bacteria, easy-to-use, syringe, contains, 2, doses, provides, quick, easy, solution, getting, newborns, up, nursing, after, birth, possible
                                  Price: Login
                                  Availability: In Stock
                                  Item #: 953411 -

                                    DuraLyteā„¢ DuraLyteā„¢, Durvet, Equine Supplies, horse supplies, Equine Electrolytes, supplemental electrolytes,
                                    Price: Login
                                    Availability: Out of Stock
                                    Item #: T-00526 -

                                      DurvetĀ® Poultry Power Durvet, Poultry, Power, Chicken, Bird, Omega, 3, 6, Fatty, Acids, Vitamin, E, Conditioning, Supplement, natural, health, vitality, appearance, bird, livestock, stock, supplies, chicks, turkey, waterfowl, game, bird, fowl
                                      Price: Login
                                      Availability: Out of Stock
                                      Item #: T-00519 -

                                        Jervetā„¢ Cotton Roll Jervetā„¢, Cotton, Roll, Non-sterile, one, pound, absorbent, cotton, best, used, pad, cover, medication, applied, wounds, 100%, Pure, Dimensions, 15.75, 11.75, 16, inch, in
                                        Price: Login
                                        Availability: In Stock
                                        Item #: 325159 -

                                          DurvetĀ® DuraZyme Paste For Calves DurvetĀ®, DuraZyme, Paste, Calves, newborn, cow, colostrum, supplement, increases, energy, levels, increased, nursing, action, higher, intake
                                          Price: Login
                                          Availability: Out of Stock
                                          Item #: T-00334 -

                                            DurvetĀ® Pink Lady Wound Dressing Durvet, Pink, Lady, Wound, Dressing, FDA, approved, topical, wound, dressing, treatment ,minor, major, cuts, scrapes, burns, abrasions, Promotes, fast, healing, hair, growth, minimum, scaring, Repels, flies, dogs, horses, livestock, coat, skin, repair, treat
                                            Price: Login
                                            Availability: In Stock
                                            Item #: 325163 -

                                              DurvetĀ® DuraStat with Oregano DurvetĀ®, Healthy, FlockĀ®, DuraStat, Oregano, poultry, chicken, supplies, antibiotic, alternative, poultry, stimulate, water, intake, small, flocks, source, energy, essential, oils, stimulate, water, consumption, appetite, during, disease, conditions, shipping, weather, change, stress, All, natural, alternative, stimulate, enhance, immunity, antibiotics, not, desired, cinnamon, essential, oils, easy, One, scoop, packet, per, gallon, drinking, soluble, products
                                              Price: Login
                                              Availability: Out of Stock
                                              Item #: T-00856 -

                                                DurvetĀ® Aloe Advantage Concentrated Shampoo DurvetĀ®, Aloe, Advantage, Concentrated, Shampoo, Livestock, Horse, Equine, Pet, Small, Animal, Supplies, All, purpose, natural, 10x, formula, keratin, oat, protein, Professionally, formulated, cleanse, condition, hair, Enriched, natural, extracts, moisturizes, damaged, hair, adding, body, healthy, lustrous, shine,  Deodorizing, active, ingredient, OrdenoneĀ®, encapsulates, eliminates, foul, odors, attract, flies, No, drying, soaps, alcohol, Fresh, scent, No, salts, plant, based, botanical, formula, No, coat, stripping, detergents, dyes, 100%, Biodegradable, spray, applicators, Horses, cattle, llamas, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, ferrets
                                                Price: Login
                                                Availability: Out of Stock
                                                Item #: T-00045 -