
Products 49-96 of 98
Decker® Soft Show Ring Brush Decker®, Soft, Show, Ring, Brush, touch, ups, long, soft, red, white, bristles, short, haired, animals, handle, slips, into, pocket, quick, access
Price: Login
Availability: In Stock
Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302235 -

    Decker® Spiral Steel Curry Comb Decker, Spiral, Steel, Curry, Comb, Equine, Horse, Supplies, grooming, Made, USA
    Price: Login
    Availability: In Stock
    Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302210 -

      Decker® Stainless Steel Curry Comb Decker, Stainless, Steel, Curry, Comb, Equine, Horse, Supplies, grooming, Made, USA
      Price: Login
      Availability: In Stock
      Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302211 -

        Decker® The Blue Ribbon Brush
        Price: Login
        Availability: In Stock
        Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302223 -

          Decker® The Classic Brush Decker®, Classic, Brush, Equine, Horse, Supplies grooming, stiff, made, USA
          Price: Login
          Availability: In Stock
          Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302217 -

            Decker® The Magic Brush
            Price: Login
            Availability: In Stock
            Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302212 -

              Decker® The Pony Brush Decker, Pony, Brush, Equine, Horse, Supplies, grooming, soft, brush, made,USA
              Price: Login
              Availability: In Stock
              Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302214 -

                Decker® The Ultimate Decker, Ultimate, Equine, Horse, Supplies, grooming, soft, brush, made, USA
                Price: Login
                Availability: In Stock
                Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302216 -

                  Decker® The Work Horse Brush Decker, Workhorse, Equine, Horse, Supplies, grooming, stiff, brush, made, USA
                  Price: Login
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302215 -

                    Decker® Thoroughbred Brush Decker, Thoroughbred, Equine, Horse, horse, grooming, stiff, brush, made, USA
                    Price: Login
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302218 -

                      Durvet® Aloe Advantage Concentrated Shampoo Durvet®, Aloe, Advantage, Concentrated, Shampoo, Livestock, Horse, Equine, Pet, Small, Animal, Supplies, All, purpose, natural, 10x, formula, keratin, oat, protein, Professionally, formulated, cleanse, condition, hair, Enriched, natural, extracts, moisturizes, damaged, hair, adding, body, healthy, lustrous, shine,  Deodorizing, active, ingredient, Ordenone®, encapsulates, eliminates, foul, odors, attract, flies, No, drying, soaps, alcohol, Fresh, scent, No, salts, plant, based, botanical, formula, No, coat, stripping, detergents, dyes, 100%, Biodegradable, spray, applicators, Horses, cattle, llamas, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, ferrets
                      Price: Login
                      Availability: Out of Stock
                      Durvet® Item #: T-00045 -

                        Durvet® Aloe Advantage Iodine Shampoo Aloe Advantage Iodine Shampoo, Aloe, Lanolin, Nonstaining, conditioning, rich, lathering, bacterial, fungal, skin, Aloe, Shampoo, Phenol, Horses, Dogs
                        Price: Login
                        Availability: Out of Stock
                        Durvet® Item #: T-00004 -

                          Durvet® Ferappease - 300 mL Aloe Fresh Lemongrass Body Wash, Durvet®, All-natural, cleanses, moisturizes, long-lasting,  essential oils,  Patchouli, Lavender, insect repellents, soothing relief,  skin, shine, luster,  hair, coat
                          Price: Login
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Durvet® Item #: 325964 -

                            Durvet® Ferappease Pour-On Applicator
                            Price: Login
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Durvet® Item #: 325965 -

                              Durvet® No-Bite™ Flea & Tick Shampoo Durvet® No-Bite™ Flea & Tick Shampoo, clean, rinsing, shampoo, kills, fleas & ticks, on contact, pet, smelling, fresh, clean, shiny, coat, Horses, ferrets, dogs, cats, puppies kittens
                              Price: Login
                              Availability: Out of Stock
                              Durvet® Item #: T-00005 -

                                Excalibur Sheath Cleaner 16 oz.
                                Price: Login
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Farnam® Item #: 365140 -

                                  Exhibitors® Quic Braid™ Exhibitor, Quic, Braid, equine, horse, skin, coat, hair, mane, tail, shine, tight, neat, braid, soft, natural, mineral, spray, stray, fast, easy, comb, no, wash, without, USA
                                  Price: Login
                                  Availability: In Stock
                                  Straight Arrow Item #: 468062 -

                                    Exhibitors® Quick Silver™ Shampoo  Exhibitor, Quic, Silver, Shampoo, whitening, intensifier, equine, horse, hair, smooth,  mane, tail, shine, light, shaft, highlight, enhance, no, bleach, harsh, chemical, free, stain, remover, livestock, stock, pH, Balance
                                    Price: Login
                                    Availability: In Stock
                                    Straight Arrow Item #: 468061 -

                                      Farnam® Vetrolin® Bath Farnam®, Vetrolin®, Bath, Central, Life, Sciences, Horse, Equine, Pet, grooming, shampoo, Premium, quality, high, sudsing, Protein-enriched, conditioning, shampoo, washes, dirt, dandruff, rich, thick, lather, Protects, skin, coat, conditioners, Vitamin, E, PABA, sunscreen, Rinses, out, quickly, easily, leaves, coat, shiny, manageable, Concentrated, three, surfactants, clean, gently, effectively, lather, foams, skin, debris, dandruff, Protein-enriched, conditioners, sunscreen, protect, skin, hair, environmental, pollutants, healthy, shine, fresh, fragrance, great, dogs
                                      Price: Login
                                      Availability: In Stock
                                      Farnam® Item #: 365117 -

                                        Happy Jack® Paracide Flea & Tick Shampoo Happy, Jack, Paracide, Flea, Tick, Shampoo, formula, Pyrethrin, water, soluble, insecticide, insect, care, health, treat, kill, repel, on, contact, control, gentle, non, alkaline, hypoallergenic, biodegradable, mortality, dog, cat, puppy, puppies, kitten, ferret, horse, equine, vet, stock,  livestock, supply, topical, f&t, soothe, long, lasting, effective, quick, 12, weeks, older, pet
                                        Price: Login
                                        Availability: In Stock
                                        Happy Jack® Item #: 447087 -

                                          Laser Sheen® Dazzling Shine & Detangler Laser Sheen® Dazzling Shine & Detangler, Farnam, equine shine, equine conditioner, equine detangler, detangles manes and tails, minimizes breakage, repels dust, repels dirt, equine grooming, showring shine, horse conditioner, horse detangler, horse grooming, show supplies, convenient spray-on coat polish, spray on detangler, soft manageable manes and tails
                                          Price: Login
                                          Availability: Out of Stock
                                          Farnam® Item #: T-00034 -

                                            Legends™ Brush - Pinto
                                            Price: Login
                                            Availability: In Stock
                                            Desert Equestrian Item #: 321303 -

                                              Little Giant® DuraTote Little Giant®, DuraTote, Miller MFG, Livestock, grooming, pet, equine, cleaning, organized, box, compartments, hold, bottles, sprays, brushes, clippers, Easy-grip, handle, holes, store, long-handled, picks, tools, storing, carrying, garden, tools, cleaning, painting, automotive, 18, inch, long, 13.75, wide, 10, high, several, colors
                                              Price: Login
                                              Availability: Out of Stock
                                              Miller Manufacturing® Item #: T-00667 -

                                                Little Giant® DuraTote Stool Little Giant®, DuraTote, Stool, Miller, Manufacturing, Equine, Horse, Home, Garden, step, grooming, tool, box, tote, supplies, removable, step, stool, protect, contents, elements, hold, 12, inch, tall, spray, bottles, carry, one, hand, internal, storage, tray, small, items, retractable, handle, protrudes, through, flush, top, sit, stand, locked, padlock, non-skid, surface, 300 lbs, painting, Measures, 20, inch, long, 16.125, wide, 14, high, Blue, black, heavy, duty, impact, resistant, plastic
                                                Price: Login
                                                Availability: Out of Stock
                                                Miller Manufacturing® Item #: T-00668 -

                                                  Mane n Tail Detangler Mane N Tail Detangler, Equine Grooming, Detangler, Mane N Tail, Equine Detangler
                                                  Price: Login
                                                  Availability: Out of Stock
                                                  Straight Arrow Item #: T-00127 -

                                                    Mane n Tain® Spray-Away Horse Wash Mane n Tail®, Spray-Away, Horse, Wash, Straight, Arrow, Equine, Horse, grooming, washing, ?Safe, Gentle, Quick-Cleaning, Body, Wash, quick-cleaning, natural, plant, esters, surfactants, Cleans, thoroughly, scrubbing, safe, gentle, use, everyday, Essential, oils, proteins, condition, replenish, enhancing, coat’s, natural, shine, maintain, healthier, skin, thorough, cleaning, necessary, eliminate, fungal, bacterial, food, sources, PH, balanced, sensitive, cuts, scrapes, 32 oz, metered, sprayer, efficient, application, eliminating, waste
                                                    Price: Login
                                                    Availability: Out of Stock
                                                    Straight Arrow Item #: T-00027 -

                                                      Orvus® WA Paste Shampoo Orvus, WA, Paste, Shampoo, PH, neutral,  Hypoallergenic, Biodegradable, phosphates, horses, equine, cat, dog, livestock, concentrated
                                                      Price: Login
                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                      Proctor & Gamble Item #: 695005 -

                                                        Plastic Comb - 9"
                                                        Price: Login
                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                        Aime Imports® Item #: 862521 -

                                                          Plastic Mane Comb - 4"
                                                          Price: Login
                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                          Aime Imports® Item #: 862523 -

                                                            Plastic Sweat Scraper
                                                            Price: Login
                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                            American Heritage Equine Item #: 862536 -

                                                              Plastic Sweat Scraper with Rubber Blade
                                                              Price: Login
                                                              Availability: In Stock
                                                              Aime Imports® Item #: 862537 -

                                                                PonyExpress™ Brush - Slate
                                                                Price: Login
                                                                Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                Desert Equestrian Item #: 321405 -

                                                                  ShowSheen® Hair Polish & Detangler ShowSheen®, Hair, Polish, Detangler, WF, Young, Horse, Equine, show, grooming, supplies, formulated, healthy, easier, snarled, manes, tails, versatile, repel, dust, keep, clean, longer, remove, burrs, debris, absorb, turnout, prevent, mud, sticking, reduce, hair, breakage, 40%, fuller, longer, tails, time, half, provitamins, nourish, coats, silk, proteins, strengthen, manes, tails, promoting, stronger, longer, light, mild, scent, calming, jasmine, soothing, sandalwood, reduce, static.
                                                                  Price: Login
                                                                  Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                  WF Young Item #: T-00036 -

                                                                    Stone® Pro-Line™ 5" Scotch comb Stone®, Pro-Line™, 5", Scotch, comb, Horse, Equine, livestock, grooming, round, tapered, teeth,  favorite, stockmen, Smooth, nickel, plated, teeth, treat, hair, gently, Performs, grooming, Easy, grip, wood, handle, manes, tails, high, quality, comb, Fine, blades, 66, teeth
                                                                    Price: Login
                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                    Stone® Item #: 840050 -

                                                                      Stone® Pro-Line™ 6" Comb- Wooden Handle Stone®, Pro-Line™,  6", Comb, Wooden, Handle, 40, tooth, design, easy, grooming, Longer, teeth,  Scotch, Sturdy, lightweight, Fits, easily, rear, pocket
                                                                      Price: Login
                                                                      Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                      Stone® Item #: 840040 -

                                                                        Stone® Pro-Line™ 9" Grooming Comb Stone®, Pro-Line™, 9", Comb, traditional, favorite, stockmen, Long, rounded, teeth, quick, smooth combing, superb, hair, separation, cut, pull, hair, Sturdy, lightweight, 58, needle, design, 1/8”, blade, separation, quick, combing, superb, separation
                                                                        Price: Login
                                                                        Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                        Stone® Item #: T-00121 -

                                                                          The Original Mane ‘n Tail® Conditioner Original Mane ‘n Tail® Conditioner, Straight, Arrow, Equine, Grooming, horse, hair, coat, highly, concentrated, formula, unique, properties, conditions, strengthens, prevent, breakage, essential, moisturizing, maintain, achieve, longer, healthier-looking, Nourishes, conditions, hair, skin, aid, healthy, hair, growth, lustrous, silky, look, protein, enriched, amino, acid, formula, strengthens, preventing, eliminate, itching, scaling, common, external, irritants, Protects, damage, sun, wind, aging, environmental, elements, hair, tangle, free, soft, manageable, grooming, braiding
                                                                          Price: Login
                                                                          Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                          Straight Arrow Item #: T-00026 -

                                                                            The Original Mane ‘n Tail® Shampoo Original, Mane, ‘n, Tail®, Shampoo, Straight, Arrow, Equine, Horse, grooming, formula, high, lathering, cleansing, agents, fortified, moisturizers, emollients, Rich, fragrant, lather, down, skin, cleansing, action, dirt, debris, coat, without, stripping, natural, oils, gentle, pH, balanced, formula, provides, optimum, body, shine, manageability, Micro-enriched, protein, formula, fortified, moisturizers, emollients, condition, leaving, coat,  soft, shiny, Regular, use, enhances, coat, health, appearance
                                                                            Price: Login
                                                                            Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                            Straight Arrow Item #: T-00025 -