Products 97-144 of 485
CattleLand Male Small Button Tags
Price: Login
Availability: Out of Stock
Cattleland Item #: T-00993 -

    CattleLand Maxi Identification Ear Tag
    Price: Login
    Availability: Out of Stock
    Cattleland Item #: T-00992 -

      Cattleland Universal Tag Applicator
      Price: Login
      Availability: Out of Stock
      Cattleland Item #: 567350 -

        Cattlemens Choice Pour On 2.5  gal
        Price: Login
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: 947511 -

          Cavalry™ 9 Cavalry®, 9, Merck, Animal, Health, 7-way, blackleg, red, water, tetanus, protection, cattle, vaccine, Clostridium, chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordelli, perfringens, Types, C, D, haemolyticum, bacillary, hemoglobinuria
          Price: Login
          Availability: Out of Stock
          Merck® Animal Health Item #: T-00768 -

            ClariFly® Larvicide Top-Dress Fly Control
            Price: Login
            Availability: In Stock
            Starbar® Item #: 835019 -

              Co-Ral® 1% Livestock Dust Co-Ral®, 1%, Livestock, Dust, Bayer, Livestock, Fly, Insect, Control, Insecticide, Dust, Coumophos, cattle, direct, animal, use, insecticide, dust, horn, swine, lice, control, dust, bags
              Price: Login
              Availability: Out of Stock
              Bayer® Item #: T-00657 -

                Co-Ral® Fly & Tick Spray Co-Ral®, Fly, Tick, Spray,  controls, horn, flies, lice, ticks, beef, non-lactating, dairy, cattle, lactating, face, back, rubber, beef, lice, horses, slaughter, swine
                Price: Login
                Availability: In Stock
                Bayer® Item #: 280009 -

                  Colorado Serum® Wart Vaccine 50mL Colorado Serum®, Wart, Vaccine, 50mL, use, healthy, cattle, aid, prevention, viral, warts, papillomas, tested, purity, safety, Contains, thimerosal, preservative
                  Price: Login
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Colorado Serum Item #: 254001 -

                    Copasure® Metal Balling Gun Copasure, Metal, Balling, Gun, Bolus, cattle, durvet, livestock, stock, supplies, 006, cow, bovine
                    Price: Login
                    Availability: Out of Stock
                    Durvet® Item #: T-00373 -

                      Corathon® Insecticide Cattle Ear Tag Corathon®, Insecticide, Cattle, Ear, Tag, FyberTek®, bayer, cattle, non-lactating, dairy,  organophosphate, insecticide, Co-Ral, Plus®, horn, flies, face, Gulf, Coast, ticks, spinose, ear, ticks, pink, eye, Moraxella, bovis
                      Price: Login
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Bayer® Item #: 280025 -

                        Corid® 1.25% Pellets Corid, 1.25%, Pellets, 1.25, calves, cow, bovine, treat, aid, heal, health, care, prevent, coccidiosis, Eimeria, bovis, e, zuernii, 21, day, top, dress, mix
                        Price: Login
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Durvet® Item #: 611940 -

                          Corid® 20% Soluble Powder Corid, 20%, 20, Soluble, Powder, amprolium, cattle, herd, aid, treatment, prevention, coccidiosis, bovine, merial, calves, Eimeria, bovis, zurnii, treatment
                          Price: Login
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Merial® Item #: 610005 -

                            Corid® 9.6% Oral Solution Corid, 9.6, Gallon, Merial, Amprolium, solution, prevention, treatment, coccidiosis, calves, calf, Palatable , cattle, cow, bovine, safe, easy, administer, drench
                            Price: Login
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Huvepharma® Item #: 610001 -

                              Covexin® 8 Covexin®, 8, 7, way, blackleg, red, water, plus, tetanus, protection, cattle, sheep, prevention, Clostridium, chauvoei, septicum, novyi, perfringens, Types, C, D, haemolyticum, bacillary, hemoglobinuria, tetani
                              Price: Login
                              Availability: Out of Stock
                              Merck® Animal Health Item #: T-00767 -

                                Cow Lift Cow, Lift, Agri-Pro, Veterinary, Supplies, livestock, OB, Equipment, cattle, Calving, calf, Milking, Birthing, Lame, cows, cannot, stand, Adjustable, clamps, Safely, lifts, cattle, weighing, up, to, 1,980, lbs, 900, kg, FARM, RANCH
                                Price: Login
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Agri-Pro© Item #: 678008 -

                                  Curry Comb - Rubber Curry, Comb, Rubber, Aime, Equine, Livestock, Grooming, horse, comb, Show, mane
                                  Price: Login
                                  Availability: Out of Stock
                                  Aime Imports® Item #: T-00124 -

                                    Cydectin® Injectable Dewormer - 500ml Cydectin, Injectable, Dewormer, 500, ml, cattle, bovine, internal, external, parasite, purple, dye, weather, proof, zero, no, milk, withhold, slaughter, withdrawal, lactating, dairy, cow
                                    Price: Login
                                    Availability: Out of Stock
                                    Bayer® Item #: 765325 -

                                      Cydectin® Pour-On Cydectin®, Pour-On, Ready, use, topical, formulation, control, roundworms, lungworms, grubs, lice mites, cattle, cow, calf, bull, steer, provides, 7, day, persistent, activity, against, horn, flies, slaughter, milk, withdrawal, veal, calves, Apply, 1, ml, 22, lbs, lb, pounds, pound, body, weight, top, back, withers, tail, head, Convenient, dosage, chamber, proper, application, rate, Efficacy, affected, rainfall
                                      Price: Login
                                      Availability: Out of Stock
                                      Boehringer Ingelheim® Item #: T-00458 -

                                        CyLence Ultra® Insecticide Cattle Ear Tags CyLence, Ultra®, Insecticide, Cattle, Ear, Tags, Bayer, beef, dairy, lactating, horn, flies, face, Gulf, Coast, ticks, spinose, ear, synergized, fifth-generation, pyrethroid, insecticide, beta-cyfluthrin, piperonyl
                                        Price: Login
                                        Availability: In Stock
                                        Bayer® Item #: 280027 -

                                          CyLence® Pour-On CyLence® Pour-On, cattle, fly, control, livestock,  beef, dairy, lactating, Protects, flies, lice, reduce, weight, gain, Ready-to-use, mixing, required, active, ingredient, cyfluthrin, effective, low, dose, rates, all, ages, meat, withdrawal, requirements, treatment, effective, three, weeks, horn, face, mechanical, vector, moraxella, bovis, bacteria, pinkeye, biting, lice, sucking, lice
                                          Price: Login
                                          Availability: Out of Stock
                                          Bayer® Item #: T-00829 -

                                            Dairy Bomb 55
                                            Price: Login
                                            Availability: In Stock
                                            Durvet® Item #: 325131 -

                                              Decker® Soft Show Ring Brush Decker®, Soft, Show, Ring, Brush, touch, ups, long, soft, red, white, bristles, short, haired, animals, handle, slips, into, pocket, quick, access
                                              Price: Login
                                              Availability: In Stock
                                              Decker Manufacturing Item #: 302235 -

                                                Dectomax® Cattle/Swine Injection Dectomax, Cattle, Swine, Injection, Zoetis, effective, control, beef, pig, cow, dewormer, control, long, lasting, parasite, treatment, gastro, roundworm, lungworm, eyeworm, kidney worm, grub, sucking, lice, mange, mites, infection, reinfection
                                                Price: Login
                                                Availability: Out of Stock
                                                Zoetis Item #: T-00464 -

                                                  Dr. Naylor® Dehorning Paste - 4 oz. Dehorning, Dr. Naylor Dehorning  Paste, Dehorning Paste, Dr Naylor, Dr. Naylors, Calve Dehorning Paste, Lamb Dehorning, Kid Dehorning,
                                                  Price: Login
                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                  Neogen® Item #: 491143 -

                                                    DuraFendâ„¢ DuraFendâ„¢, Durvet, SafeGuard, cattle wormer, equine wormer, horse wormer, swine wormer, pig wormer, fenbendazole
                                                    Price: Login
                                                    Availability: Out of Stock
                                                    Durvet® Item #: T-00653 -

                                                      DuraFight Pellet for Ruminants
                                                      Price: Login
                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                      Durvet® Item #: 325078 -

                                                        DuraFight Pellets for Ruminants 5 lbs.
                                                        Price: Login
                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                        Durvet® Item #: 325077 -

                                                          Durazyme Powder for Calves Durvet®, Durazyme, Powder, Calves, Livestock, supplement, cow, colostrum, cattle, disease, fighting, cattle, intestinal, infections, enhance, newborn, cattle, appetite, newborn, calve, digestion, Ideal, starting, calves, weak
                                                          Price: Login
                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                          Durvet® Item #: 325067 -

                                                            Durvet ® Blood Stop Powder Blood Stop Powder, aid, controlling, bleeding, superficial cuts, wounds, dehorning.
                                                            Price: Login
                                                            Availability: Out of Stock
                                                            Durvet® Item #: 325014 -

                                                              Durvet ® Durvite™ Durvet® Durvite™, Equine, Horse, Livestock, multi-species supplement, nutritional supplement
                                                              Price: Login
                                                              Availability: Out of Stock
                                                              Durvet® Item #: T-00002 -

                                                                Durvet ® FlyRID™ Plus Spray Durvet ® FlyRID™ Plus Spray, Durvet, flea spray, flea killer, insect spray, multi-purpose insect control, multi-species insect control, permethrin
                                                                Price: Login
                                                                Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                Durvet® Item #: T-00003 -

                                                                  Durvet® A-Line Dust Bag Durvet® A-Line Dust Bag, Livestock, cattle, insecticide, 3% Rabon, 1%, Co-Ral, durable, easy-to-load, unique, flicker, chamber, recharges, drops, off, hindquarters, animal, passing, under, facilitates, correct, dosage, proper, application, convenient, 2-point, attachment, convenient, easy, hanging, steel, spreader, bar, allows, two, point, attachment, not, turn, sideways, lane, Weather, proof, loading, vent, no, flaps, covers, Versatile, either, free, choice, forced, applications, one, bag, handle, 25, 50, head
                                                                  Price: Login
                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                  Durvet® Item #: 325310 -

                                                                    Durvet® A-Lyte Durvet® A-Lyte, oral, source, vitamins, amino, acids, electrolytes, cattle, sheep, swine, horses, dietary, intake, reduced, supportive, treatment, dehydration, prolonged, fevers, transportation, shrink, pneumonia, diarrhea, Quick, energy, source, essential, nutrients, animals, feed, fast, fluid, therapy, contains, approximating, ratio, occurring, normal, blood, plasma, fast, action, Oral, administration, use, in, drinking, water, Concentrate, 500, ml, item, 325008, NOT, FOR, SALE, NEW, MEXICO
                                                                    Price: Login
                                                                    Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                    Durvet® Item #: T-00346 -

                                                                      Durvet® Activated Charcoal Gel
                                                                      Price: Login
                                                                      Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                      Durvet® Item #: T-01026 -

                                                                        Durvet® All Purpose Lubricant Durvet®, All Purpose Lubricant, ready-to-use, lubricant, non-spermicidal, non-greasy, nonirritating, obstetrical, procedures, animal, lubrication, devices, stomach tubes, enema, catheters, obstetrical, instruments, insertion, body cavities; delivery, dry birth.
                                                                        Price: Login
                                                                        Availability: In Stock
                                                                        Durvet® Item #: 325112 -

                                                                          Durvet® Aloe Advantage Concentrated Shampoo Durvet®, Aloe, Advantage, Concentrated, Shampoo, Livestock, Horse, Equine, Pet, Small, Animal, Supplies, All, purpose, natural, 10x, formula, keratin, oat, protein, Professionally, formulated, cleanse, condition, hair, Enriched, natural, extracts, moisturizes, damaged, hair, adding, body, healthy, lustrous, shine,  Deodorizing, active, ingredient, Ordenone®, encapsulates, eliminates, foul, odors, attract, flies, No, drying, soaps, alcohol, Fresh, scent, No, salts, plant, based, botanical, formula, No, coat, stripping, detergents, dyes, 100%, Biodegradable, spray, applicators, Horses, cattle, llamas, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, ferrets
                                                                          Price: Login
                                                                          Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                          Durvet® Item #: T-00045 -

                                                                            Durvet® AluShield™ Aerosol Bandage
                                                                            Price: Login
                                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                                            Durvet® Item #: 325126 -

                                                                              Durvet® Bloat Treatment Durvet®, Bloat, Treatment, use, aid, treatment, Frothy, Bloat, ruminants, fecal, softener, cattle, sheep, goats
                                                                              Price: Login
                                                                              Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                              Durvet® Item #: 325253 -

                                                                                Durvet® Calcium Gluconate 23% Solution Durvet®, Calcium, Gluconate, 23%, Solution, used, aid, treatment, Milk, Fever, Parturient, Paresis, cattle
                                                                                Price: Login
                                                                                Availability: In Stock
                                                                                Durvet® Item #: 325028 -

                                                                                  Durvet® Citronella Oil - 8 oz. Durvet, Citronella, Oil, 8, oz, ounce, concentrate, 100%, multi, species, add, fly, spray, additive, control, no, pesticide, natural, glo, marr, horse, equine, stock, livestock
                                                                                  Price: Login
                                                                                  Availability: In Stock
                                                                                  Durvet® Item #: 325357 -

                                                                                    Durvet® CMPK D3 Drench Durvet, CMPK, D3, Drench, oral, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Vitamin, D, Supplement, freshening, dairy, beef, cattle, cow, maintain, normal, level, nutrients, sheep, goat, livestock, stock, supplies, health, care
                                                                                    Price: Login
                                                                                    Availability: In Stock
                                                                                    Durvet® Item #: 325072 -

                                                                                      Durvet® CMPK Gel Durvet®, CMPK, Gel, nutritional, supplement, containing, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, dairy, cattle, during, calving, Easy, administer, Contains, ìTRUE-GELî, base, run, out, animal’s, mouth, Neutral, pH, animal, withdrawal, time, Contains, Citrate, Acid, aids, absorption, ingredients
                                                                                      Price: Login
                                                                                      Availability: In Stock
                                                                                      Durvet® Item #: 325027 -

                                                                                        Durvet® Controlled Iodine Spray Durvet®, Controlled, Iodine, Spray, topical, antiseptic, horses, cattle, swine, sheep, surgical, procedures, castrating, docking, application, naval, newborn, animals, use, aid, treatment, minor, cuts, bruises, abrasions, Effective, provides, rapid, killing, bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, Convenient, easy-to-use, adjustable, nozzle, delivers, stream, spray, Economical, costs, only, half, aerosols, Safety, afforded, non-irritating, property, antiseptic
                                                                                        Price: Login
                                                                                        Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                                        Durvet® Item #: T-00771 -

                                                                                          Durvet® Dairy Bomb 55-Z Durvet®, Dairy, Bomb, 55-Z, kills, repels, flying, insects, crawling, homes, dairies, milk, houses, horse, barns, cattle, operations, poultry, hog, food, processing, plants, restaurants, outdoor, fly, killer, safe, no ozone, depleting, propellants, nonflammable, insecticide, Level, 1, aerosol, NFPA, 30B, standards, even, fog, ideal, particle, suspension, low, odor, pesticide,
                                                                                          Price: Login
                                                                                          Availability: In Stock
                                                                                          Durvet® Item #: 325084 -

                                                                                            Durvet® Dextrose 50% Durvet®, Dextrose, 50%, treatment, uncomplicated, ketosis, beef, dairy, cattle, bovine, cow, steer, veal, calf, bull
                                                                                            Price: Login
                                                                                            Availability: In Stock
                                                                                            Durvet® Item #: 325030 -

                                                                                              Durvet® Doramectin Injection
                                                                                              Price: Login
                                                                                              Availability: Out of Stock
                                                                                              Durvet® Item #: T-01031 -