Products 1-5 of 5
VIB Shield® Plus L5 - 100mL/50 Dose VIB Shield®, 100, mL, 50, Dose, one, shot, product,  protect, breeding, herd, against, vibriosis, five, common, strains, lepto, Novartis, XTend®, SP, adjuvant, maintains, higher, longer-lasting, immune, stimulation
Price: Login
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 325867 -

    Fusogard® Fusogard®, Footrot, infectious, disease, causes, swelling, lameness, feet, bacteria, Fusobacterium, necrophorum penetrate, healthy, intact, skin, abrasions, puncture, wounds, near, pasture, confinement, cattle, encounter, risk, factors, stones, frozen, dried, mud, stubble, wet, pens, cost, effective, antibiotics, bacterium, F. necrophorum, liver, Liver, abscesses, reduced weight gain, foot rot
    Price: Login
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 325793 -

      Lepto Shield™ 5 Lepto, Shield™, 5, Protects, strains, cattle, swine, Aids, prevention, control, diseases, Leptospira, canicola, grippotyphosa, hardjo, icterohaemorrhagiae, pomona, Safe, reliable, approved, pregnant, animals, without, concern, abortions
      Price: Login
      Availability: Out of Stock
      Item #: T-00766 -

        VIB Shield® Plus L5 - 20mL/10 Dose VIb Shield®, Plus, L5, 20mL, 10, Dose, one, shot, product, protect, breeding, herd, vibriosis, five, common, strains, lepto, Novartis, XTend®, SP, adjuvant, maintains, higher, longer-lasting, immune, stimulation
        Price: Login
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: 325866 -

          Pinkeye Shield™ XT4 Pinkeye Shield™, XT4, 10, million, calves, annually, weight, loss, 65, pounds, per, head, economic, losses, topping, $150, million, per, year, single, dose, protect, herd, against, leading, bacterial, cause, Moraxella bovis, multiple, strains, bacteria, broad-spectrum, protection, single, dose, start, season, Xtend III, adjuvant, sustained, duration, activity
          Price: Login
          Availability: Out of Stock
          Item #: T-00765 -