A low-dose, eight-way clostridial vaccine plus Haemophilis somnus protection powered by the legendary SPUR adjuvant. Aids in the prevention of blackleg, malignant edema, bacillary hemoglobinuria, black disease, enterotoxemia, and haemophilus somuns in cattle.

Cattle: administer 2 ml subcutaneously, repeat in 3 to 4 weeks.
In animals subject to re-exposure to Cl. haemolyticum, revaccinate every 5-6 months.
21-day slaughter withdrawal.
Vaccine is SAFE for pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows.
Recommendations: re-vaccinate annually.

Item # UPC Description/Size Sold As Qty Break Price Quantity Stock Status
326022 662858096125 10 Dose / 20 ml Unit or Case/56 1 Login
In Stock 
326023 662858040197 50 Dose / 100 ml Unit or Case/25 1 Login
Out of Stock 
How it is Sold